Sunday, August 22, 2010

All these blogs

Alright well bitter sweet the blog itself is about how life can be bitter sweet and how my life is one of those bitter sweet things. The spiteful sweetheart name is to show all of you that I'm a spiteful sweetheart, in other words I have a big mouth and a sharp tongue but in the end you'll find out that I'm a sweetheart, truthfully. This school year begins Wednesday and I'm going to blog about every thing that happens in this bitter sweet year of school. I will be blogging about other things and stuff that bothers me as in I'm going to put my own thoughts into, well everything. Enjoy subscribe (:

Les baisers pour les déchirures
Spiteful sweetheart<3

1 comment:

  1. The spiteful sweetheart name, that is great, always stand for what you believe in. Your sharp tongue can be used to teach, protect, and even harm. So always know that there is a time and place for everything to stand when your friend is about to do something that might harm her or one of her friends be a friend and stand harm her fellings by telling her she is wrong, then explain to them why they are wrote, thats teaching then you will know that you have protected them, and that makes you a great friend.

    And yes I can not wait to read your blogges though you will have to forgive me if I am a day or so late in reading them and giving my opinions of the not to long ago I had ARDS no not AIDS I had ARDS meening my lungs stopped working and turned to rock basicly so long story short I was supose to die but I disided against it and woke up an hour before they unpluged me but now I have memory problems so I forget from time to time.
