Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Just because your the QB....

My life is getting pretty busy now. I seem to loose track of myself so its kind of hard to keep up with the blog itself. Well lets see interesting things that happened well lets go ahead and start with this morning..
Alright well i don't believe in marriage anymore now before you jump to conclusions i don't believe in the meaning of it anymore because the original meaning was for Christians to be married to each other under god forever and it was for love. Well now not alot of people stay together and not a lot of people are christian that get married and once you get a divorce whats the first thing you go after? money..get where I'm going with this? alright well there is this kid in my first block who i dislike VERY much. He is a straight minded hardcore baptist and republican, not my favorite. Well our teacher asked us to write something about marriage and i voiced my opinion about it and he proceeded to tell me how that didn't make sense....i have a question, HOW DOES THAT NOT MAKE SENSE! I'm not asking you to agree with me as a matter of fact most of my opinions are disagreed with so I'm pretty much used to it and couldn't care less but if your someone who is that shallow as to criticize someone for having there own opinion then you need to take a step back and look at yourself. Needless to say i was about a second away from slapping this kid. That's pretty much all i can think of right now and my binder is calling my name to study....peachy.

Les baisers pour les déchirures

Spiteful sweetheart<3

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Well today was the first day,

My classes consitis of Honors english, choral ensemble, honors us history, and visual arts.
Boo on the visual arts i cant even draw a stick person much less draw and get a grade on it.
As for the rest of my classes i've never had a better semester. I'm so inlove with english and history it's not even funny. I guess the reason why i like history so much is because of the mistory behind it, it's like you'll never know if what they tell you is completely true because you weren't there. It's kind of cool to look back at what happened then and think about how diffrent the world is today..i wonder if george washington could blog what he would say? lol. As for english I just like to express myself and theres no wrong way to do english if you think about it, it could sound terrible but still be right.
Now what most of you don't know about me is i am a musician, i love to sing and i have found myself drawn towards the history of music and theory. In my choral ensemble class we cover all of those things.

Now for the drama part of the first day, Well i have this boy in one of my classes and we are going to call him "joe" well joe and me used to be very close friends and at the end of last school year we were closer then we had ever been. Well we texted somewhat through out the summer but near the end of summer we stopped texting and he went off on me on facebook, for a reason i still dont know? well anyways i walk into my class and there he is (peachy) 4 girls in this class and the rest boys so clearly he has the upper hand.. i just pray he doesnt try and look cute and say something dumb to me because as i have said im a spiteful sweetheart and i will be the first one to tell him off (:
well now its time to do homework..first day homework? oh great.

P.S. i dont know when ill be able to blog hopefully everyday BUT i have something planned everyday after school. so i will catch you up whenever i get a chance if i miss a day

Les baisers pour les déchirures

Spiteful sweetheart<3

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

And here we are,

ugh, i cannot believe i have to go to school tommorow. On the bright side i have everything ready for honors english. Well now im going to get started doing my nails and figuring out how to look the first day of school...school year 2010- 2011 bring it on (:

Monday, August 23, 2010

One last full day of summer...

Last full day of summer is harsh, last night i can stay up till 5 am and sleep all day the next day :( this is depressing. My bestfriend FINALLY got her license after driving her around alot i am glad she has it haha. Well i guess i need to tan today so i don't go back to school looking like a pasty ghost. Todays goal? get as much in as possible.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Oh omegle

So omegle.com is where you can talk to strangers without them knowing basically just a chat room and i have been on there for an hour sharing this blog. I'm dedicated to it<3

All these blogs

Alright well bitter sweet the blog itself is about how life can be bitter sweet and how my life is one of those bitter sweet things. The spiteful sweetheart name is to show all of you that I'm a spiteful sweetheart, in other words I have a big mouth and a sharp tongue but in the end you'll find out that I'm a sweetheart, truthfully. This school year begins Wednesday and I'm going to blog about every thing that happens in this bitter sweet year of school. I will be blogging about other things and stuff that bothers me as in I'm going to put my own thoughts into, well everything. Enjoy subscribe (:

Les baisers pour les déchirures
Spiteful sweetheart<3